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CLEE Capstone Archival Project

Welcome to the CLEE Capstone Archival Project

June 30, 2022

OACP Members:

The CLEE Advisory Board is pleased to announce a new free service to the law enforcement community, titled the CLEE Capstone Project Archival Project. As an OACP member, you are invited to search the Capstone Archives for projects that you may be interested in viewing.

The CLEE Capstone project is the culmination of a CLEE student’s academic experience. The capstone projects focus on issues impacting law enforcement agencies and communities. While each agency has unique characteristics, it is possible that issues your agency or community is facing has been by other departments and communities as well. Why reinvent the wheel if someone has tackled the issue already as part of their CLEE studies?

The CLEE capstone projects embody excellent ideas for improvement and innovation, and they have all been implemented to various degrees, many fully implemented. The CLEE graduates are pleased to share their projects with their law enforcement peers as a lasting professional service to the law enforcement community.

To access the CLEE Capstone Archives, go to the LE-members only pages with your LE Login on the OACP website, and look under the Resources tab for CLEE Capstone Archives. Then follow the simple instructions.

We hope that you find perusing the CLEE Capstone Archives to be of great assistance!




Chief Thomas Pyle, II, CLEE
CLEE Advisory Board Chairperson