Ron & Rita Jornd Scholarship The Ron and Rita Jornd Chiefs’ Children’s Scholarship is in memory of Chief Ronald W. Jornd and in recognition of his wife, Rita Jornd for their dedicated service to the Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police and the law enforcement community. OACP will select up to three applicants to receive the annual scholarship award. The award will be $500. The recipient must be accepted to or attending an accredited college, university, technical or trade school. The award will be paid to the recipient upon receipt of confirmation of enrollment to offset tuition or other expenses. The award is for one year. All applicants may re-apply for consideration each additional year as long as criteria is met. Name of Applicant:*Mr./Ms.FirstLast Address:* Address City State Zip E-mail:* College you have been accepted to or are currently attending:* Are you a high school senior or already in college?*High School SeniorIn College Current High School GPA:* High School Rank (out of how many):* Current College GPA:* Year(s) in College:* Parent's (Chief's) Full Name:* Parent's (Chief's) Email:* Parent’s (Chief’s) Department or Agency: Gross family income (check one):Less than $25,000$25,000-$50,000$50,001-$100,000$100,001 or greater Family members-Siblings' Names: How many brothers and/or sisters are currently enrolled in college? Are you a past recipient of the Ron and Rita Jornd Scholarship?YesNo If Yes List Year(s): [Seperate with Commas] List other scholarships received to date:(Description with amount of award for each) Indicate Major:(Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement Technology, Other (explain): Please describe extra curricular and/or community service activities in which you have been involved: Please explain your reason for pursuing the career you have chosen or the career you believe you will choose. This portion of the application is very significant to the selection committee. Please include a minimum of 300 words and limit your comments to 500 words. By marking the below box, we accept this as your signature for this application:*Yes, please accept this as my signature for submission Date Submitted:*SubmitReset