+614 761 0330 oacp@oacp.org

Join OACP – Membership Types & Benefits

You are invited to become a part of the law enforcement association representing police executives and the police profession in Ohio.  Established in 1928, the Association is a fully staffed organization offering you a broad range of professional, educational and informational services. Our goals are:

  1. To serve you the member.
  2. To increase our public’s understanding of the role police play in maintaining our quality of life.
  3. To foster improvements in police education, practice and research.

Membership Types

Active Member $245 – Active membership shall consist of a FULL TIME: 1) Chief of Police of a municipal corporation; 2) Chief of Police of a duly authorized Township Police Department; 3) Chief of Police of a state supported college or university; 4) Superintendent of the State Highway Patrol; 5) Superintendent of Police, of Railroad Police Departments; 6) Special Agent or Inspector in Charge of any law enforcement agency of this state or of the United State Government whose headquarters are in Ohio; 7) chief Ranger of a Park District, established under Revised Code; or 8) Chief of Police of a Metropolitan Housing Authority.

Sheriff Law Enforcement Administrator $225 – Sheriff Law Enforcement Administrator (LEA) membership shall consist of sworn Ohio law enforcement personnel: 1) Full time in a supervisory capacity – agency head; 2) Duly elected Sheriff.  Sheriff’s are invoiced at a higher rate because they are the head of their respective law enforcement agency.

Law Enforcement Administrator $125 – Law Enforcement Administrator (LEA)  membership shall consist of sworn persons employed full time in an administrative or supervisory capacity in law enforcement or recognized governmental law enforcement agency within the State of Ohio, or a part time administrative head of a law enforcement agency.  In order to be considered for membership, a Law Enforcement Administrator’s Chief Law Enforcement Executive must be an OACP member and  approve their application for membershipThis is not a requirement if applying as a part time Chief Law Enforcement Executive of a law enforcement agency.

Associate Member $175 – Associate membership shall consist of Retired Active members ineligible for Life membership and Retired LEA members eligible to continue membership.  Associate membership shall be a sustaining one and shall not have a vote in the proceedings of the Association.  Applicants:  1) must not be engaged in the direct sale of intoxicating beverages and 2) must not be a member of any group, club or organization which advocates overthrow of the United States Government by force or which is subversive in any way.

Corporate Partners

Corporate Partner Member $300 – Corporate Partner shall consist of professional and business persons.  Individual must be a professional or a business person whose function is of a supervisory nature in their respective occupations.  Corporate Partner shall be a sustaining one and shall not have a vote in the proceedings of the Association.  Applicants: 1) shall be limited to persons over 21 years of age; 2) must be a good citizen; 3) must not be engaged in the direct sale of intoxicating beverages and 4) must not be a member of any group, club or organization which advocates overthrow of the United States Government by force or which is subversive in any way.

Life Membership

Life Member – In order to be eligible as a Life Member, the membership shall consist of five years or more of Active Chief Membership.


FELLOWSHIP with those who are interested in promoting professional law enforcement.

A VOICE FOR THE PROFESSION through OACP which communicates your views and interests to allied professions, government agencies, state and national legislators and the community at large.

A WATCH ON OHIO’S LAW ENFORCEMENT LEGISLATION so you will know when important issues are pending at the State Capital.

EDUCATIONAL SEMINARS on state-of-the-art topics designed by fellow police executives for police professionals.

AN ANNUAL CONFERENCE which gathers police executives and spouses to prosper from professional and social exchange.

ANNUAL EXHIBITOR SHOWCASE where you talk with representatives of innovative police services and technologies.

DISTRICT MEETINGS in which you meet with local chiefs of police and learn about new issues and developments.

LAW REVIEW BULLETINS which briefly summarize the impact of new legislation on your department.

RECEIVE “The Ohio Police Chief”, (a professional magazine) electronically, two times per year. Bringing you and local businesses, coverage on current law enforcement issues, legislative updates, committee actions, training opportunities and new ideas.

A LEGAL SERVICE giving you yearly access to consultation, research and/or correspondence from OACP attorneys on issues regarding your employment as police chief. Applies to full-time, active chiefs only.

AN ADVISORY SERVICES DIVISION for you to engage a team of OACP chiefs to consult with your agency or you can qualify as a paid consultant for OACP.

THE ASSOCIATION’S MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY which lists all OACP members, officers and committees.

PARTICIPATION ON OACP COMMITTEES where you help address and resolve issues confronting your law enforcement profession.

ACCESS to Law Enforcement Foundation programs. Supervisor Training Education Program (STEP), Police Executive Leadership College (PELC), Certified Law Enforcement Executive (CLEE), and DARE Ohio.

ACCESS to the “Members Only” portion or the website for law enforcement information, resources and other help tools.

RECEIVE association broadcasts to include electronic member mailings.

RECEIVE member discount on your approved request for broadcast and/or web posting for law enforcement job related advertising.


Corporate Partner Specific Benefits

ANNUAL EXHIBITOR SHOWCASE where you display products and converse with law enforcement officials. Priority notification on exhibitor information for early booth selection. One month prior to the annual showcase date, you will have onetime only opportunity to request a broadcast announcing your attendance and booth location. A member discount rate will apply.

ADVERTISE IN OUR MAGAZINE “The Ohio Police Chief”, published twice per year it gives your business the opportunity to market your services. A Sponsor listing is included in your dues.

Contact our Membership Coordinator or call 614-761-0330, ext. 46