To Members of the Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police,
My name is Luke Werhan and I am the Program Manager for the Ohio Violent Death Reporting System (OH-VDRS). As you may know, our system collects data on homicide, suicide and undetermined deaths in Ohio. To get this data, we request reports from coroner/medical examiner offices and law enforcement agencies for each violent death to understand the circumstances surrounding violent deaths.
We have recently released a few data reports that may be of interest to you. We have released two Annual Reports which provide a comprehensive analysis of all violent deaths in Ohio for the 2013 and 2014 data years. We have also released two fact sheets using data from 2012-2014: one on Youth Suicide and another on Intimate Partner Violence-Related Homicide. Please visit our website for a listing of all our previous reports, fact sheets and publications: https://www.odh.ohio.gov/en/health/vipp/ohvdrs.
Finally, we are always looking for additional law enforcement members for our Advisory Board. This group meets twice a year to discuss OH-VDRS, share updates from member organizations, and provide guidance. Our members include injury prevention practitioners, academics, coroner/medical examiner staff and law enforcement.
Please feel free to contact me about the Advisory Board or any other questions, comments or suggestions you have.
Luke Werhan, MPH
Program Manager
Ohio Violent Death Reporting System
Ohio Violence and Injury Prevention Program
Ohio Department of Health
35 E. Chestnut St., 5th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215